Monday, February 9, 2015


This is the second day I am asked to pause.
  I don't like this task, have had too much
  forced pause these last years.

I pushed too hard, hurt my body,
  and now it necessitates that I stop,
  so that it can recover from my living.

Not interested in the lessons offered.
  Just want to rest this day and not fall
  into intellectual or emotional malaise.

Saturday, February 7, 2015


‘Who are you, really?’ Gaia queries.  ‘And, why are you here?’
‘I AM,’ I start.  ‘I chose to incarnate into this being.’  I can remember that much.
‘Yet, the currents of this life wash around me, throw me off balance, turn me upside down.  So, when finally I face the sky and fill my lungs with precious chi, I have forgotten who I AM.’
‘Then, I struggle, and I cry, and I scream to the empty sky, “Who am I?!  Am I real?  What is the purpose?  Does my worth surpass all the sorrow, the disappointment, the anger, that fills my heart?  Can the love from which I was birthed rescue me from the dark corners of my soul?!”’
‘The answer, my child,’ smiles Gaia, ‘is yes.’

‘Quiet yourself, find stillness,’ she continues.  ‘Hear the whisper of the wind.  Feel the cool waters at your feet.  Remember.’
‘Remember who you really are.  Remember why you came here.  Know that everything is as it should be.  Know that you are the glory of the Creator, manifest here, now.  You are a gift.  You are love incarnate.’
‘The pain, the challenges, the questions, come to you as sacred offerings, as gifts given for your ascension, as hints to help you remember, as the soil from which you can grow to fulfill the promise of who you are.’
So, I strive to find quiet in my mind,
  to unbind my heart of its many veils,
  to open my body, heart, mind, soul,
  to bear witness to the mystery of life.
For, the moments that fill our days
  carry the gifts of wisdom and grace,
  and the keys to answer the questions,
‘Who are you, really?’  and  ‘Why are you here?’

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

To Honor Life

It has been two weeks since the heart surgery.

I was in the hospital until Day 5, during which
  they sent me home, loaded with prescriptions,
  instructions, my heart pillow, and a new heart.

It happened so fast, one moment was yesterday,
  the next was tomorrow, the next only memories
  remain on the field where life and death bandied.

This time still has my name inscribed upon it.
  One more day, year, decade, I can not know.
  But I am here, so there is more for me to do.

With profound gratitude, 
  I kneel in honor of life,
  bind myself to the mystery.
  Mind, body, soul, all of me.