I query my 5-year old grandson,
'How do you know there is wind?'
Agile mind alert, he studies the forest.
'It makes the trees shake,' he says,
and it makes all the leaves wriggle.'
'But, you can't see wind,' I challenge.
'So, how do you know it is the wind?' I ask.
He pauses, considering this knotty question.
'Well,' he concludes, 'it makes my hair crazy,'
tousling his hair with beautiful little boy hands.
Big eyes peer at me from beneath tousled hair.
'Did I get it right?' they ask. We smile together.
'Yes, you got it right! You are brilliant, my child!'
Delighted, he exclaims, 'Nanna look! A baby deer!'
And our conversation suppley changes to plan the
forts we will build next summer, because the deer
need a place to sleep, and we plan to camp outside.
That's what we do, this beautiful boy and his Nanna.
We go on adventures, in the world, and in our minds.
There is much to see and do. We've no time to waste.
Here he comes now, soft-eyed and sleepy, for his hugs.
We'll have pumpkin pie and hot chocolate for breakfast.
And as this new day dawns, we'll plan our next adventure.
'How do you know there is wind?'
Agile mind alert, he studies the forest.
'It makes the trees shake,' he says,
and it makes all the leaves wriggle.'
'But, you can't see wind,' I challenge.
'So, how do you know it is the wind?' I ask.
He pauses, considering this knotty question.
'Well,' he concludes, 'it makes my hair crazy,'
tousling his hair with beautiful little boy hands.
Big eyes peer at me from beneath tousled hair.
'Did I get it right?' they ask. We smile together.
'Yes, you got it right! You are brilliant, my child!'
Delighted, he exclaims, 'Nanna look! A baby deer!'
And our conversation suppley changes to plan the
forts we will build next summer, because the deer
need a place to sleep, and we plan to camp outside.
That's what we do, this beautiful boy and his Nanna.
We go on adventures, in the world, and in our minds.
There is much to see and do. We've no time to waste.
Here he comes now, soft-eyed and sleepy, for his hugs.
We'll have pumpkin pie and hot chocolate for breakfast.
And as this new day dawns, we'll plan our next adventure.