Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Defining Moments

I am struck lately with the presence of certain moments.
  These moments stand apart from all others in our lives.
  Their resolve to be recognized is absolute, unwavering.

These moments change lives, turn us inside out, 
  leave us breathless or crushed or astonished or...
  They ask us to wake up, pay attention, closely.

They seem as harbingers of a new day dawning.
  They are an instrument of our souls beckoning
  us inward into stillness, into keen wakefulness.

Therein, we are endowed with gifts styled for that moment.
  We are offered the perfect measure of everything we need.
  And the chisel will be set to the stone, creating us de novo.

We are never finished being born.

And, the moment, that precious, elusive, wondrous moment
  is the vessel, ingredients and the alchemy of our unfolding.
  These are the defining moments, the gifts offered to us all.

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