Sunday, May 25, 2014

We Will Walk

While at the movies with my grandson,
I received a call from a man whom I 
shall get to know well, offering me a job.

I had been listening for that call all day,
carrying my phone in my pocket,
the ill-fitting ear bud jammed into my ear.

Hearing nothing, I turned my focus to Kai.
My journey had taken me so far from him
these last months, and our long-overdue
Nanna/Baby date was finally underway!

So, hand-in-hand and loaded with
popcorn and candy, we entered the dark
theater and settled into our adventure of
good guys, bad guys, action and fantasy.

At the movie's end, cradling that little 
sleeping angel in my arms, I gingerly
turned on my cell phone and held my breath
as the voicemail sorted and shared.

Finally, he was there, his kind voice echoing
through my mind, his words barely audible
in the din of the closing movie, his intent clear,
my future opening...

God provides such wonderful miracles
with such impeccable timing...
little boy in arm, the words, 'we want you' 
dancing on my mind, lights dimmed,
credits rolling, music thundering...I cried.

The little boy-angel woke,
looked around and asked,
'Nanna, why are you hugging me?
The movie is over!'

'Come back to center, little one,' smiled the Creator.

My work for you is not yet complete.
We start now a new journey, one in which
you will create that for which I have been
preparing you all these many years.'

'Savor this moment.  Rest easy.
You are in my arms, even as you
cradle my child in yours.
Catch your breath, heal.'

'For, we have work to do.
We walk together into this future
I have crafted for you.'

'You will bring glory to My name
and rest to My people
through all you do.'

'I will not let you forget.'

'I have given you the experience
for the story that I now will draw
from your fingertips.'

'Open yourself, trust Me.
We will walk now.'

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