Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Just One Moment

The day after I got word,

I felt a toxic energetic sludge
stir within my body.
It moved heavily through
every cell, festering, deadening.

I hadn't noticed it before.
But, I was sure it didn't just
show up on that day.
No, it has been building all
this past year and a half.

I have been working so hard
to maintain my center, stay calm
in the eye of the storm, focus,
pay attention, care for my body...

Yet still...

It found its way in and settled,
coiled, dormant, looking, waiting
for just one opening to grow
into dis-ease.

I let myself fall into a healing space,
washing my body/mind/soul, purging
the venom, resting, allowing Spirit
to heal and renew.

These last days, I have been so very tired.
Aches arise throughout my body,
as if searching for a permanent home.
So, amidst packing and cleaning, I rest.

It occurs to me that the extreme stress
under which I have been living this
last year and a half has had an impact
on me, despite my efforts to stay healthy.

And, I think, once again, of those
less fortunate than me, who don't have
the wherewithal to eat healthy food,
or exercise, or sleep safely in a warm bed...

And, I see that their bodies and hearts
cannot fight the omnipresent scourge of

So, those most vulnerable to life
are also most vulnerable to sickness,
pain, suffering...

I weep
I pray
I beg
for just one moment of peace
for all those who suffer at the hand
of life

just one moment, please...

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