Friday, March 28, 2014

Abundance Born of Poverty

Abundance Born of Poverty.
  I can't see it.  I can't fathom it.
  Perhaps, I'm not looking hard enough.

Or perhaps, I am not open to the
  possibility that there really is such
  a thing as abundance born of poverty.

I think that is the truth of it.

I can't see how abundance can be born of poverty.
  I know poverty's bairn, unrelenting hardship and oppression.
  I am meeting its kinsmen, anguish, despair, suffering and fatigue.

Yet, Spirit asks me to write about abundance,
  the one experience I have not yet had with poverty.

  Spirit, in its ever cryptic and nonsensical fashion,
  asks for the seemingly impossible in the very moment that
  I feel least capable of, or interested in, deciphering its riddle.

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