Monday, March 3, 2014

Eagle - Why Did You Take My Eyes?

Had a vision.
White Wolf Woman came to me.

'I haven't seen you in a long time,' say I.
'Where have you been?'
'You sent me away, dear one,' she smiles.

She wraps her arm around my shoulder and we walk.
The field of grass is before us, and as we approach it,
the tall grass turns to shimmering gold.

Eagle falls from the sky,
hovers two inches from my face,
takes my eyes in its talons.

I am wrapped in a black shroud.
My body is lifted above the faceless mass,
passed from one to the other, above the crowd.

All is dark
I feel only the hundreds of hands
holding my body, moving it...
until we reach the cliff,
and they cast my body to the wind.

Dark, falling - why did eagle take my eyes?

Suddenly eagle swoops beneath me,
catches my catapulting body,
lays me in warm, soft feathers
surrounds me with powerful wings.

White Wolf Woman is there,
holding my head, embracing me.
Her tears fall gently into the holes
that once bore my eyes.

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