These words from Cailleach...
In the universe, brilliance showers through me
cast from a distant love
emanating, spreading across this universe to the next.
It sits in the base of our spines.
We know it as Kundalini.
It animates all life.
It is the chi, the ALL
It infuses the earth, settles deep within its core,
awaits our call, our penitence, our humble acquiescence
and acknowledgement of the plague we have set lose upon this earth.
The answer is here, among us, in us.
We are the answer.
The ALL walks with and among us.
Cailleach transforms again into the child of spring, of hope, of compassion and hope.
The hate that was her melts into an eternal love for all life,
even us,
even us.
In our shrouds of arrogance and ignorance,
standing amid the destruction we have laid upon this earth,
even us.
Dance with her.
Feel the spirit alive in you
You always have been part of the ALL.
We never were separate from the ALL.
The four-leggeds, the slitherers, the winged, the swimmers...
all our family.
We the lost child,
we are welcomed back.
We are forgiven.
The celebration awaits our humble petition
to life.
The table of life is set.
All creatures, all life, animate and imnaminate, awaits
Look inside.
Find there in the Spirit.
Feel the hope, the love, the compassion of which we are made.
Dare to look beyond the soil that holds together this body
to the soul, the spirit, the life, the chi that animates.
feel it
it vibrates
it is luminescent
it is God, Allah, the ALL, the ONE
contravene nature no more.
Step back from the brink of arrogance.
Breathe, feel the ocean
hear the wind
These words Cailleach speaks.
Her terrible countenance has transformed to love.
Her hand is extended to ours.
She awaits our first, timid step forth.
She will respond to even the smallest step.
She will assist us to bridge the gap
of the mighty schism we have created between ourselves and all other life.
But she will wait not long.
She holds winter in her other hand
and she will lay waste to our arrogance
if we cannot find the humility and the will to step forth.
We are the only ones that can clean up this terrible mess we have made.
Not our children, nor their children,
No, it must be us.
In the universe, brilliance showers through me
cast from a distant love
emanating, spreading across this universe to the next.
It sits in the base of our spines.
We know it as Kundalini.
It animates all life.
It is the chi, the ALL
It infuses the earth, settles deep within its core,
awaits our call, our penitence, our humble acquiescence
and acknowledgement of the plague we have set lose upon this earth.
The answer is here, among us, in us.
We are the answer.
The ALL walks with and among us.
Cailleach transforms again into the child of spring, of hope, of compassion and hope.
The hate that was her melts into an eternal love for all life,
even us,
even us.
In our shrouds of arrogance and ignorance,
standing amid the destruction we have laid upon this earth,
even us.
Dance with her.
Feel the spirit alive in you
You always have been part of the ALL.
We never were separate from the ALL.
The four-leggeds, the slitherers, the winged, the swimmers...
all our family.
We the lost child,
we are welcomed back.
We are forgiven.
The celebration awaits our humble petition
to life.
The table of life is set.
All creatures, all life, animate and imnaminate, awaits
Look inside.
Find there in the Spirit.
Feel the hope, the love, the compassion of which we are made.
Dare to look beyond the soil that holds together this body
to the soul, the spirit, the life, the chi that animates.
feel it
it vibrates
it is luminescent
it is God, Allah, the ALL, the ONE
contravene nature no more.
Step back from the brink of arrogance.
Breathe, feel the ocean
hear the wind
These words Cailleach speaks.
Her terrible countenance has transformed to love.
Her hand is extended to ours.
She awaits our first, timid step forth.
She will respond to even the smallest step.
She will assist us to bridge the gap
of the mighty schism we have created between ourselves and all other life.
But she will wait not long.
She holds winter in her other hand
and she will lay waste to our arrogance
if we cannot find the humility and the will to step forth.
We are the only ones that can clean up this terrible mess we have made.
Not our children, nor their children,
No, it must be us.
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