I was sent back to the darkness.
I saw the slips of color all round me
and the Crone, magnific, noble, extravagant.
She changed into a woman my age.
Her demeanor was compassionate, loving, kind.
She took my hand and we walked through the darkness.
Freed from the prison of my disbelief,
the slips of color transformed into faeries.
They danced all about us, enfolding us in color.
Then, the darkness rolled back from the land,
revealing lush forest, alive and sparking with energy.
Each flower, each blade of grass was a faery transformed.
Touching my soul, the Crone merged with me.
I felt a profound love, a knowing, a deep peace.
And, the energy that was me swelled and fomented.
And then, the world changed.
The material unbodied, became insubstantial.
Every thing transformed into luminescent energy.
Vibration and light defined flowers, rocks and streams.
Energy circulated within trees,
exploding out the thousand leaves
and radiating from roots into the earth.
Gossamer energetic cords illuminated the
depths of the earth, energy exploring and dancing
in a pulsating, vibrant web of intentionality, of creation.
Then, I saw the energy that was my body.
And, I saw the energetic cords that held my form
to this earth even as I lifted my foot from the ground.
Lifting my gaze, I saw the energetic web
connecting all things, flowing between forms,
holding shape in response to my thoughts and desires.
Élan Vital,
the vital force, the impulse of life.
Élan Vital, the creator and the creation.
My life, your life,
the form we call 'me',
what we share and recieve,
I saw the slips of color all round me
and the Crone, magnific, noble, extravagant.
She changed into a woman my age.
Her demeanor was compassionate, loving, kind.
She took my hand and we walked through the darkness.
Freed from the prison of my disbelief,
the slips of color transformed into faeries.
They danced all about us, enfolding us in color.
Then, the darkness rolled back from the land,
revealing lush forest, alive and sparking with energy.
Each flower, each blade of grass was a faery transformed.
Touching my soul, the Crone merged with me.
I felt a profound love, a knowing, a deep peace.
And, the energy that was me swelled and fomented.
And then, the world changed.
The material unbodied, became insubstantial.
Every thing transformed into luminescent energy.
Vibration and light defined flowers, rocks and streams.
Energy circulated within trees,
exploding out the thousand leaves
and radiating from roots into the earth.
Gossamer energetic cords illuminated the
depths of the earth, energy exploring and dancing
in a pulsating, vibrant web of intentionality, of creation.
Then, I saw the energy that was my body.
And, I saw the energetic cords that held my form
to this earth even as I lifted my foot from the ground.
Lifting my gaze, I saw the energetic web
connecting all things, flowing between forms,
holding shape in response to my thoughts and desires.
Élan Vital,
the vital force, the impulse of life.
Élan Vital, the creator and the creation.
My life, your life,
the form we call 'me',
what we share and recieve,
our lives, the steps on our paths,
all ONE with the impulse of life, Élan Vital.
Élan Vital,
the inbreath, the outbreath,
the chi, the life, the ALL...in a breath.
the inbreath, the outbreath,
the chi, the life, the ALL...in a breath.
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